How does FilingBox completely prevent ransomware?

Image of a padlock securing data.

“It’s similar to storing files on the CD-ROM.” – John Woo

FilingBox is a kind of file server which provides a network drive to PCs and Servers. One thing that’s different, however, compared to existing file servers, is FilingBox does not trust PCs and Servers after providing network drives. It assumes that PCs and servers are already compromised by ransomware. So, whenever file requests come into FilingBox, FilingBox decides whether to provide a file with a read-only attribute or read-write attribute to PCs and servers by itself.

Because of that, files on network drives are not deleted by typing the ‘del’ command in the DOS prompt or infected by any ransomware. So, it’s similar to how CD-ROM writers create and read files using the create-read-only mode.  FilingBox also provides a network drive to PCs with a create-read-only mode. Under this mode, it only allows applications on PCs to create a new file and read a file with a read-only file attribute. Even though ransomware runs on PCs, they can not encrypt the data on that network drive. This is because it only allows any application to create and read the file except modifying (or encrypting) files.

One exception to the rule is Windows File Explorer. FilingBox allows Windows File Explorer to modify and delete files. So users can create, read, modify and delete data on a network drive with Windows File Explorer as usual. 

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